
Protein identification
Protein identification, post-translational modifications (PTMs)
We make use of high resolution protein mass spectrometry to identify proteins, their primary sequences, and PTMs (e.g. phosphorylation, Lys-acetylation, ubiquitination, proteolytic cleavage, glycosylation) from a broad range of samples, from purified proteins and protein complexes, to gel bands, IPs, BioID experiments, organelles, cells, tissues (fresh-frozen and FFPE), and biofluids.

Quantitative proteomics
Label free quantitation (LFQ), isobaric tags (TMT, iTRAQ), targeted MS (MRM, PRM)
We use a range of technologies for the relative (discovery) and absolute quantitation (validation) of proteins and PTMs in biological samples, from as little as 3 samples per condition to hundreds of samples. Robust experimental and computational workflows enable us to identify candidate proteins and PTMs that are significantly regulated between samples.
Our targeted MS assays enable the multiplexed, precise quantitation of protein concentrations of 100s of proteins through the use of stable isotope labeled standard (SIS) peptides as internal standards.

Clinical MS
Clinical assays for proteins, metabolites, and drugs, therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)
We develop mass spectrometry-based assays of medical interest and implement these in a clinical setting. Applications include assays for metabolites and proteins of diagnostic value, and therapeutic drug monitoring. We further translate proteomics and metabolomics approaches for the clinical use, such as robust assays for the precise quantitation of cancer proteins in tumor tissues (FFPE and fresh-frozen) with ultra-high sensitivity.

Structural proteomics
Surface modification, limited proteolysis, crosslinking, HDX
We develop and apply protein chemistry methods combined with contemporary mass spectrometry for the structural characterization of proteins and protein complexes.

Targeted and untargeted profiling, 13C-fluxome analysis, metabolite identification (MetID). We develop and apply mass spectrometric methods for studying and characterization of the metabolomes. Applications include targeted quantitative assays for selected subsets of metabolites, metabolome profiling, and metabolic pathway analysis.

Our MultiOMICS service consists of the combined analysis of the proteome, metabolome and lipidome from a single sample (no replicates, all from one vial) using our SIMPLEX (Simultaneous Metabolite, Protein, Lipid Extraction) strategy. The complementary datasets provide a view of the interconnectivity of different biomolecular classes, which provide an extremely detailed view of the phenotype of the sample.
Cancer Proteins
We have developed and analytically validated assays for the ‘absolute’ quantitation of important cancer proteins, which allow us to determine their concentrations in cells and tissues, including FFPE cores and slices.AKT1, AKT2, p-AKT1, p-AKT2, PI3K, mTOR, PTEN, PDL1, PDL2, PD1, LCK, CD73, ZAP70, KRAS, KRAS G12V
Mouse Proteins
We have developed and analytically validated assays for the ‘absolute’ quantitation of >6000 mouse proteins.
Metabolomics Assays
13-Fluxome Analysis
Antibiotics Assay
Antivirals Assay
CYP Cocktail
Drug MetID
HCQ/Az Assay
Plasma Free Metanephrines Assay
Uracil Assay
Plasma proteins
We have developed and analytically validated assays for the ‘absolute’ quantitation of >270 plasma proteins, which allow us to their concentrations in a single 60-min LC-MRM run using only a few µL of plasma.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
We have developed and analytically validated assays for the ‘absolute’ quantitation of therapeutic antibodies Adalimumab and Bevacizumab in plasma, antibiotics, anti-retroviral and anti-COVID drug panels.
We have developed and analytically validated assays for the ‘absolute’ quantitation of >6000 mouse proteins